Joni and Friends Ministry Podcast

Joni Eareckson Tada Shares Her Heart on Chronic Pain 

Episode Summary

Welcome to this installment of Joni Eareckson Tada’s “Heart of the Founder” series where Joni shares a surprising truth: After more than 57 living with quadriplegia, paralysis is not the most difficult part of her life. No, what troubles Joni more than her visible disability is the chronic pain that often feels crushing. It robs her of sleep and sometimes takes her breath away. But over the years, she’s has learned to invite Jesus into her pain, and he has met her every time, speaking words of life over her, reminding her of promises from the Bible. Joni offers encouragement and wisdom to all of us who suffer in some ongoing, unrelenting way. Because she knows very well that, come what may, you can draw near to Jesus and find comfort, not only to endure but to find peace and joy in the midst of pain.

Episode Notes

Millions of people throughout the world struggle with chronic pain. And in the United States alone, an estimated 20% of adults experience chronic pain. That’s around 51 million people! 

So if you’re listening today, there’s a chance that you live with chronic pain, just like Joni. If you are suffering in an ongoing way from physical pain, grief, isolation, or relational strife, it can be overwhelming! It’s why Joni invites you to turn to God in your pain, leaning on Bible promises and drawing on grace. When you do, the Lord can use your pain to draw you closer to him.

Get your copy of Joni’s book, Songs of Suffering, which includes 25 hymns with accompanying devotions and photography designed to spark hope in hardship. Opening with a special message from hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty, this book is a source of comfort for anyone who needs biblical encouragement, prompting readers to seek refuge in the Lord and rejoice in his goodness.

Pain and chronic illness can erode your joy like acid, and can lead you to question God and his power. Join Joni in taking a close look at what the Bible says about pain and the sovereign providence of God in her 14-page pamphlet, Pain and Providence.

You can find more resources for coping with chronic pain and illness on the Joni and Friends ministry website.



How can you invite Jesus into your suffering?

Who around you suffers from chronic pain (and how can you encourage them today)?



2 Corinthians 4:8: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair.”

Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Episode Transcription

Stephanie Daniels: 

Hi friends, I'm Stephanie Daniels, and I'm so glad you're joining us for another Heart of the Founder episode with our founder, Joni Eareckson Tada. Ever since her diving accident at age 17, Joni has lived with quadriplegia. That's more than 57 years. Because her disability is so visible, people often assume that quadriplegia is the biggest challenge in her life. And it can indeed be painful and daunting, but for Joni, what's often felt even more debilitating than quadriplegia has been an invisible challenge. Her struggle with chronic pain. 

Joni says that in the face of chronic pain, even quadriplegia can feel easy. For Joni, there are times when she feels so overwhelmed by pain that it feels like it could crush her. But over the years, she's learned to invite Jesus into her pain, and he's met her there every time, speaking words of life over her, reminding her of promises from the Bible.

Jesus has comforted Joni, with scriptures like 2 Corinthians 4:8, even though she is hard pressed on every side, with Jesus she's not crushed. In fact, through Jesus, her pain can even be a place of spiritual richness. So, let's hear from Joni as she shares what it looks like to draw near to Jesus in the midst of pain.


Joni Eareckson Tada: 

My chronic pain makes my quadriplegia feel like a walk in the park. People often ask how I manage my pain. Well, when its fangs sink deep into my hips and my back, that's my signal. I slowly begin deep breathing, uh, you know, real slow and steady, and, and then when fiery pain threatens to overtake me, just as the, uh, flames threaten to consume Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in that fiery furnace found in the book of Daniel. I, I have a conversation with my pain. 

Now, I don't say things like, uh, "Oh, I can't stand this." Or, "Man, this is killing me." Or, "I, I can't tolerate it." No, I don't do that. Because words like that are fraught with anxiety. And fear only makes things worse. Instead, in my pain, I calmly ask Jesus to meet me in it. To not let it crush me. And what do you know, the Son of God never fails to meet me, just as he met those three Hebrews in that hot furnace of fire. And what does Jesus say to me in that agonizing place of pain? Well he comforts me with his own words. He'll say something like, "Joni, my spirit inspired 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 8 for a good reason. For although you are hard pressed on every side, Joni, you will not be crushed." Oh, what a promise.

Pain may tighten its vice grip, but it cannot crush me. And as I cling to God's promises, my pain keeps pushing me further into Jesus’s heart. And there is nothing sweeter than finding my Savior in the middle of my hellish circumstances. It helps deflect the pain. It helps me to suffer well. Jesus helps me to be in a very unhappy place... well. 

All the years I've lived in my wheelchair, I never got delivered from my pain, but I met my Deliverer in it. I did not get healed. But I found intimate fellowship with the Healer. 

Friend, pain does not have to crush you. As you courageously look at the stern countenance of pain and enter unafraid into its recesses, you will defang it of its terror. You'll see that the Lord is in your pain, having transfigured it to become a place of union with Jesus Christ. Jesus conquered the insidious ways of pain, and because of that, he is your best prescription for pain, whether it is in your hip, your head, or your heart.

And please remember, there is a glorious day coming when it says he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying, or pain. That's from Revelation chapter 21 verse 4. And until then, when pain encroaches, start deep breathing and lead your pain to a Bible promise, any Bible promise. There are thousands to hold on to. And perhaps my favorite is this one uttered by almighty God to you and me, promising, "I have made you, I will carry you, I will deliver you and sustain you." That's Isaiah 46:4. And you know what? He will do it. Because he promised. 


Stephanie Daniels: 

Friends, I hope Joni encouraged you like she encouraged me. Millions of people throughout the world struggle with chronic pain. And in the United States alone, it's estimated that roughly 20 percent of adults experience chronic pain. That's around 51 million people. So, if you're listening today, you may be struggling with chronic pain, just like Joni. Or, perhaps you're dealing with another kind of pain. Loss, isolation, or relational strife. 

No matter what kind of pain you face. It can be overwhelming. And like Joni says, in such hard situations, it's easy to speak words of despair like, "I can't do this anymore." Or, "This is just too much for me." But even in our painful circumstances, Jesus is there, and he will offer you sweet comfort. He can use your pain to bring you closer to him. This is promised in Psalms 34:18, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Friends, I hope this message has encouraged and challenged you today. I hope you're inspired to invite Jesus into whatever painful circumstances you may be experiencing.

And if you want to know more about how Jesus can provide hope through chronic pain, send me a message at Our team would love to share biblically based encouragement and resources with you. You can also follow us on social media for daily encouragement. 


Crystal Keating: 

Thank you for listening today. For more episodes, find us wherever you get your podcast and be sure to subscribe. We’d also love it if you would tell a friend. And for more encouragement, follow Joni and Friends on InstagramFacebook, or YouTube. And visit our website at Thank you for listening to the Joni and Friends Ministry Podcast. 

© Joni and Friends